Height and place coocurrences in the gaps found in vowel inventories: a proposal based on the conjunction of stringent elements


  • Ubiratã Kickhöfel Alves UFRGS
  • Carmen Lúcia Barreto Matzenauer Universidade Católica de Pelotas


Height and place coocurrence, Vocalic gaps, Local conjunction, Stringency


In this article, as we focus on the coocurrence of distinctive features in order to account for the simetry/assimetry of vowel inventories in different language systems, we present a proposal of conjunction of stringent elements in the formalization of markedness and faithfulness constraints in Optimality Theory.


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How to Cite

Alves, U. K., & Matzenauer, C. L. B. (2012). Height and place coocurrences in the gaps found in vowel inventories: a proposal based on the conjunction of stringent elements. Letras De Hoje, 47(3), 244–258. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/11854



Vowels: Theory and Use

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