Old world without gates: Garrett and Verissimo’s travels in portuguese land


  • Carla Luciane Klôs Schöninger Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Urugaui e das Missões


Travels, Memorialism, Fiction


This study brings near two texts that articulate relations with the travel theme in the Portuguese lands: the literary work of Almeida Garrett, Viagens na minha terra, and the fragment of the book Solo de clarineta II: memórias – “Mundo velho sem porteira!” of Erico Verissimo. Because of the inclusion of hibridism of genders, both texts present in his constitutions several means of investigation. There is proposed an analytical study of the political, geographical, historical, anthropological and literary aspects that are relation with the productions of the authors. This analytical approach considers the elementary differentiation of the uses of the memory, in the consideration of the memory like stratagem for the literary production and of the memory like reconstitution. Because of going in speech predominantly fictional, Garrett, at several moments, informs indirectly to the reader, through the characters, so much his emotions as for situation of Portugal. Erico Verissimo carries out a psychological reconstruction of his past, bringing in straight way to the reader his point of view on the places, people and feelings, in a process the reality evocation. So, the Brazilian memorialist and the Portuguese novelist treat in a subjective way the different perceptions of the anthropological, geographical, literary, historical and politicians elements contemplated in their narrative worlds.


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How to Cite

Schöninger, C. L. K. (2012). Old world without gates: Garrett and Verissimo’s travels in portuguese land. Letras De Hoje, 47(4), 420–424. Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/fale/article/view/11018