Teacher education: reflections from experience in a virtual environment of collaborative learning in the post-graduation


  • Gilberto Ferreira da Silva Unilasalle
  • Ana Margô Mantovani Unilasalle
  • Everaldo Marini Unilasalle


teachers formation, collaborative learning, technology wiki


This work is located in the field of current reflections on the contributions that the Virtual Digital Technologies (TDVs), especially the technologies of Web 2.0, add to the process of a teacher educator. We take as an empirical field the experience of teaching in a discipline of the curriculum of a program of a Post Graduation Program in Education. Characterized as an activity mediated by a virtual environment of collaborative learning, we sought to provide virtual spaces for interaction, work and production of texts/ hypertext cooperative with the support of wiki technology. The data analyzed come from the interactive records found in this environment. It is observed that among the political discourse of the daily on the advantages and flexibility in communication, as provided by environments that are conducive to this, the effects produced are not exactly those that support the circulating discourses. Facing the simple problems, such as the ownership of the virtual environment and interaction with the writing of the other, constitute crossings that must be worked in advance in a work supported by the technology.


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Author Biographies

Gilberto Ferreira da Silva, Unilasalle

Doutor em Educação pela Faculdade de Educação da UFRGS Professor do Mestrado em Educação e do Curso de Pedagogia do Centro Universitário Lasalle, Canoas.

Ana Margô Mantovani, Unilasalle

Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Professora e coordenadora do Laboratório de Informática do Centro Universitário La Salle, Canoas.

Everaldo Marini, Unilasalle

Aluno do Curso de Mestrado em Educação do Centro Universitário La Salle, Canoas. Professor da Escola Bom Pastor, Nova Petrópolis.



How to Cite

da Silva, G. F., Mantovani, A. M., & Marini, E. (2011). Teacher education: reflections from experience in a virtual environment of collaborative learning in the post-graduation. Educação, 34(1). Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/faced/article/view/6295

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