Educating in the authenticity in Charles Taylor


  • Rogerio Foschiera Faculdadades Integradas São Judas Tadeu


autenticidade, Taylor, educação, hermenêutica


I analyse the Taylor perspective of the authenticity through a hermeneutics of his main works to propose the meaning of educating in the authenticity as of Charles Taylor. With moral authenticity and ontology Taylor presents an anthropology anchored in the morals and in the ontology. With authenticity and epistemology one perceives that the perspective of the authenticity does not exclude the scientific paradigm, but needs other paradigms, mainly the hermeneutics. With authenticity and language I evidence Taylor’s comprehension about the nature of the language and the emphasis he gives to the definition of the human being as “animal bearer of logos”, as well as the meaning and the derivations of the expressive perspective. Two politics: the one of the rights of equality for all and the one of the recognition of the differences are integrated in the Taylor perspective of the authenticity. Necessarily, the human being, to be authentic, will be in constant reference to horizons of a sense that they transcend the individual, is what I present with authenticity and transcendence.


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Author Biography

Rogerio Foschiera, Faculdadades Integradas São Judas Tadeu

Professor e Psicólogo. Doutor em Educação e Religião e Mestre em Ética e Filosofia Social. Professor nas Faculdades Integradas São Judas Tadeu



How to Cite

Foschiera, R. (2009). Educating in the authenticity in Charles Taylor. Educação, 32(3). Retrieved from



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