Teaching practices and emerging cultural trends

Paths of reinvention





Teaching, Didactics, Design, Reinvention, Generative artificial intelligence


This paper presents a position for the approach to teaching practices whose main feature is the bringing into play of cultural trends in the present tense to avoid certain mismatches that bring, in many cases, loss of relevance of education in the face of other cultural proposals. First, it covers some cultural trends of the twenty-first century (Castells, 2001; Serres, 2013; Baricco, 2019; Berardi, 2020; Costa, 2021). It then offers a series of foundations to address generative artificial intelligence as an emerging cultural trend in teaching practices from the approach called live didactics (Maggio, 2018). It also proposes paths of didactic redesign that include working with anticipations, hybridizations, co-creations and rethought evaluations. The work ends with some openings that include political and ethical considerations and an invitation to reinvent teaching practices and build contemporary didactic knowledge with a certain sense of urgency.


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Author Biography

Mariana Maggio, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Full Professor of Education and Technologies in the Department of Educational Sciences, researcher at the Institute of Research in Educational Sciences and director of the Master's Degree in Educational Technology (UBA).


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How to Cite

Maggio, M. (2024). Teaching practices and emerging cultural trends: Paths of reinvention. Educação, 47(1), e46364. https://doi.org/10.15448/1981-2582.2024.1.46364



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