The legacy of popular education in the formation of individuality for it in the classes of the Youth and Adult Education
Popular Education, individuality for you, Youth and Adult EducationAbstract
This article outlines a theoretical discussion on the formation of individuality for oneself in Youth and Adult Education from contributions emanating from Popular Education. Understanding individuality itself as the spontaneous synthesis of social relationships and individuality for itself as the conscious synthesis of such relationships, we present individuality for itself as a relevant possibility for the formation of the individual in Youth and Adult Education, based on the appropriation of human productions. Therefore, a historical review is used, in order to better understand the meanings of popular education initiatives and their contributions to the formation of individuality for themselves in Youth and Adult Education students. Based on the constructions of this text, it is expected that the paths already taken by Youth and Adult Education, from Popular Education initiatives to the current moment of institutionalization of the modality, contribute to the promotion of an Youth and Adult Education that enables social subjects to develop a conscious and non alienated educational relationship with themselves and with the surrounding world, which gives rise to the transition from individuality in itself to individuality in itself.
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