Cartography-mining agencying: a way to produce research in education
Cartography-mining. Agencying. Research in education.Abstract
This article presents the elaboration process of a research in education finished in 2015, in which the cartographymining agencying method is discussed. It is a problematization concerning the performance of cartography based on Gilles Deleuze’s and Félix Guattari’s (1995) thinking as well as Passos et al. (2015), who also appropriate this concept as method. We seek to show a process of producing research not to be applied but to be experienced, for the cartographic-mining agencying is about a research practice that turns minor issues into the possibility for thinking and writing, of composing a research with heterogeneities retrieved from different places: teaching and learning, encounters with people, things, and readings. It is, therefore, an investigative pathway that has welcomed data, instead of choosing them, it is a keeping and grouping impurities which have been found in the cartographic-mining trajectory of research: a selection of reverses.
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