Iconoclash: reflecting about visual culture and research in Education
Visual culture. Educational research. Pictorial turn.Abstract
Contemporary societies require the ability to understand and follow implicit rules of visual culture, which are developed through multiple, heterogeneous and often ephemeral images. This phenomenon has been named as the “pictorial turn”. This article aims to discuss the following: the effects of the “pictorial turn” seem to be more limited in the field of research in education, the substantial absence of phenomena of visual culture in educational research, as well as the underutilization of the tools of visual research methodologies, is not based on epistemological barriers. We propose to investigate educational phenomena from the perspective of iconoclash, analyzing images of Affirmative Action published in Veja a weekly magazine during the period 1995-2010. We conclude by recognizing the unavoidability of the constant tension between the pair image/meaning.Downloads
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