Teachers and texts in Argentina: the teaching of foreign languages in the school system between eighteen eighty and ninteen thirty


  • Gladys Morales




Foreign languages. Teacher training. Textbook. Devices of visibility.


The article presents the various voices that between 1880 and 1930 constituted, in Argentina, the discursive formation about what it meant to be a teacher of foreign languages. It highlights the required teaching image the school, the textbook place device visibility and ideals of the time. For this, we present a historical context of the period indicated, then analyzed for the period authentic explores the place to be given to the teacher at school and foreign language teacher and taking textbook for teaching languages. Foreign language books published in Argentina were analyzed and used in schools across the country from about 1938. The analysis makes visible three discursive topos: the order and tranquility and neatness, tightly intertwined with each other and that respond to the ideology of the time.


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How to Cite

Morales, G. (2014). Teachers and texts in Argentina: the teaching of foreign languages in the school system between eighteen eighty and ninteen thirty. Educação, 37(3), 381–389. https://doi.org/10.15448/1981-2582.2014.3.18085



Dossier - Education, research and language: mee tings and cross over