Wage discrimination of workers with disabilities in Brazil
An intersectional analysis by gender and race/color
Labor market, Wage discrimination, Persons with disabilities, Gender, Race/ColorAbstract
This paper investigates wage discrimination against workers with disabilities, as well as its interactions with other social markers of inequality, gender and race/color, using data from the 2010 Demographic Census (IBGE). Four types of disability are investigated: visual, hearing, motor, and mental. A multivariate regression model controlling for occupational fixed effects was used. The results indicate that there is wage discrimination for the four types of disability analyzed. It is observed that the greatest discrimination occurs for workers with severe visual impairment, followed by physical disabilities and, lastly, mental and hearing disabilities. However, such discrimination is of small magnitude when compared to other social markers of inequality, such as gender and race/color. The effect of gender, for example, is six times greater than that of visual impairment while non-white people suffer almost four times more discrimination. When considering the accumulation of the social markers of inequality, disability, gender, and race/ color, it is confirmed that black women with and without disabilities are those who suffer the most from wage discrimination in Brazil.
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