Cooperation and scarcity
The role of flagrante delicto in the criminal justice system
Criminal justice system, Homicides, Police, Justice, Loosely coupled systemAbstract
The purpose of this article is to understand how the flow of the criminal justice system for intentional homicide works. The Brazilian studies underline the existence of a loosely coupled system, highlighting that the disjunction among agencies in charge of investigating and prosecuting this crime would be due to difficulty in forging cooperation. The hypothesis to be tested is that, in a medium-sized city, there would be greater cooperation between agents and agencies, which would result in greater efficiency in the progression of intentional homicide (attempted and consummated) in the flow. As an empirical counterpoint, we have used quantitative and qualitative data gathered in Esmeraldas, a city in the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte (RMBH). The results indicate that these lection pattern is similar to the one found in other studies, and the determining element of cooperation is flagrante delicto.
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