Disrespect and struggle for recognition


  • Emil A. Sobottka PUCRS




Mulheres. Sofrimento. Movimentos sociais. Cidadania. Reconhecimento. Desrespeito.


The paper discusses the question if the theory of recognition of Axel Honneth, formulated in and with reference only to economically central societies in contemporary capitalism, can serve as a reference for research in contexts geographically remote and socially distinct from that original one. The empirical reference is a research in a suburban peripheric context in Brazil, involving women engaged in a public policy on security and citizenship. In addition to participant observation and focus groups, the methodology included interviews similar to the biographical narratives. The interviews began with a request to freely tell “a little about the history of your life.” The particular focus in this paper concerns the potentials of suffering to stimulate struggles for recognition considering the acute situations of disrespect. These situations are exemplarily depicted by an extract of one of these narratives.


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How to Cite

Sobottka, E. A. (2016). Disrespect and struggle for recognition. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 15(4), 686–702. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-7289.2015.4.23249



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