Continuing Education in the shift coordination servisse

An experience report




Continuing education, Shift coordination, Implementation


This report presents a proposal, which was experienced in practice, on the training of shift coordination educators in a private school in the city of Novo Hamburgo/RS. Continuing education within the school is the subject of much study and analysis in education, mainly through authors such as Antônio Nóvoa and Maurice Tardiff, even so, the studies are aimed at teachers and/or students, and almost never at the school’s educators. This existing gap brings the possibility of thinking and structuring new intervention proposals supported by the founding axes of the aforementioned theoretical conceptions. The construction of these training blocks was supported by themes that are directly linked to the professional performance of the participating members: non-violent communication, positive discipline, inclusive education, conflict mediation and mental health. This training movement presented a relevant approximation of professionals with their daily practices, allowing them to reflect on their actions and identify points of improvement in professional practice.


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Author Biography

Lafaiete Luiz de Oliveira Junior, Colégio Marista Pio XII (CMPio XII), Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil.

Pós-graduado em Gestão Esportiva pela Universidade Feevale, em Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil; pós-graduado em Atendimento Educacional Especializado pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul UERGS, em Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil. Coordenador de Turno no Colégio Marista Pio XII, em Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Junior, L. L. de O. (2021). Continuing Education in the shift coordination servisse: An experience report. Caderno Marista De Educação, 12(1), e40799.



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