A didactic model for the genre ‘scientific article’: contributions to the teaching of Portuguese as an Additional Language
Sociodiscursive Interactionism, Portuguese as an Additional Language, Didactic model, Scientific article.Abstract
In this paper, we present a didactic model of the genre ‘scientific article’, which intends to guide the work of teachers of Portuguese as an Additional Language in the Portuguese academic context. To this end, we perform a descriptive analysis of ten texts that fall into the genre in question, followed by the didactic model, in which we systematize the social, contextual and compositional characteristics of the scientific article. Our approach is based on the theoretical framework of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (Bronckart, [1997]1999) and on the principles of Didactics of Genres (Dolz & Schneuwly, 2004). This work aims to highlight the importance of developing didatization devices that allow the appropriation of academic genres, such as the scientific article, and it also demonstrates that the use of genres in the teaching of Portuguese as Additional Language promotes the learning of this language as far as its different spheres of use are concerned.
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