“Teacher, I need to show you a foreigner I have been talking to on my cellphone!” Unveling students’ understanding about technology use for enhancing the speaking skill in English language
English language teaching, speaking skill, digital technology, English language learning.Abstract
The oral skill has been lately studied by researchers in the English Language Teaching field (ELT), once it is considered one of the hardest ones to be improved (Bygate, 2009). Some solutions have been suggested within the ELT literature as to assist students on this skill’s improvement (Lucas, 2001). Additionally, technology has taken its valuable position in society today, circumscribing the scholastic and working environments. Entangling both topics (the speaking skill and digital technology), this article displays an initial1 research carried out with English learners worldwide, in which pupils could voice their opinions concerning the use of digital technologies in their English learning path alongside the impact of them in fostering pupils’ oral skill. Preliminary results show both negative and positive views regarding the use of technology and the oral skill’s improvement.
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