The internationalization of IFSUL and the relevance of a foreign language for the academic and scientific development of the institution


  • Marlon Machado Oliveira Rio Pontifical Catholic University in Rio Grande do Sul



internationalization, teacher training, foreign language teaching, language policies.


Preparing students for the ongoing process of internationalization of Education is a complex task, since both technologies and teaching practices change, becoming increasingly global and less specific to a sole culture. An institution that previously delimited and carried out its research in its own must now establish relationships and seek partnerships with institutions of higher education for the preparation, execution and collection of research data. Due to this reality, the objective of this work, is to present a study about the Federal Institute in the South of Rio Grande do Sul - IFSUL, an  institution that has made countless efforts and has been in constant movement so that the internationalization process is established in a productive way. The work of IFSUL in projects of the federal government is analyzed, as well as the linguistic and pedagogical training of its teachers regarding the initiatives taken by the Institution in the global scenario. The internationalization process is investigated by the principles presented by Green (2005), and suggestions are made so that the constant work on this topic is more and more satisfactory. 


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Author Biography

Marlon Machado Oliveira Rio, Pontifical Catholic University in Rio Grande do Sul

He is currently a PhD Applied Linguistics student at Universidade do Vale do rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), holds an MA in Linguistics by the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), is a specialist in Education and Contemporary studies by the Instituto Federal Sul-riograndense (IFSUL-RS), majored as a laureated student in Letters (English language teaching) at PUCRS. He is also currently a specialization student in the College and distance learning teaching methodologies course by Faculdade de Educação da Lapa (FAEL) and in the fith term of the Letters
(Spanish and Portuguese languages teaching) course by the same Institution (FAEL). He is a book, articles and bookchapters author whose focus are primarily on the teaching and learning of English. He takes part in the post-graduation research group named "The collaborative actions and the pedagogical tasks in the teaching and learning of foreign languages", being currently carried out at
UNISINOS, carrying out his research in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. He has had the experience in an international exchange program in China (TOP CHINA - Santander) at the Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, where he has taught English to advanced level Chinese students. He is an official translator at the Coursera online platform, working on the translation of online courses from renowned universities with a worldwide far reaching and excellent quality. He is an editor and a reviewer of the following academic journals: Aviation in Focus by PUCRS, Revista Bem Legal by the Federal University in Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and the Brazilian Journal of Biology by the Federal Rural University in Pernambuco. He has had a long-term experience in the scientific iniciation, focusing in the areas of bilingualism and neuropsycholinguistics, moving afterwards to the teaching and learning of English as well as to the techonology use within the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) in both online and in-presence contexts field. He was an English language teacher in the PRONATEC courses, offered by the Federal Brazilian Government in 2013, having had also the experience of teaching English for 2 years in a State school in Charqueadas, as well as the opportunity to teach English at the language school CNA Idiomas for 4 years. He has also had the opportunity to coordinate the pedagogical sector of the Washington Academy language school and teach English in Charqueadas. Today he is an English teacher at the Batista private school in Porto Alegre and is a private business English teacher to managers, coordinators and board director of the international GKN Driveline company in the Charqueadas branch.


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How to Cite

Rio, M. M. O. (2017). The internationalization of IFSUL and the relevance of a foreign language for the academic and scientific development of the institution. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 8(2), 279–298.


