Gadamer’s neo-Aristotelianism




Gadamer, Aristotle, Heidegger, phronesis, Wirkungsgeschichte.


The subject of this paper is Gadamer’s interpretation of Aristotle’s concept of phronesis as presented in Book VI of Nicomachean Ethics. Gadamer defends that Aristotelian primacy of ethical being can be extended to reflecting on the question of being, particularly the being of historical life. Like Heidegger, Gadamer conceives ontology as a philosophy of finitude guided by Aristotle’s ethics. However, unlike Heidegger, and in a more consequential way, he does not empty the discussion of its ethical meaning. It is also a resumption of the hermeneutic problem of how understanding is possible if it arises from a concrete historical situation, as well as an extension of this problem of philosophical reflection. To address this issue, we will start with the historical phenomenon of rehabilitating practical philosophy in Germany and how Gadamer’s neo-Aristotelianism is part of this movement. Afterwards, we will investigate the origin and development of Gadamer’s updating of the Aristotelian concept of phronesis, whose culminates in Truth and Method as the consciousness of Wirkungsgeschichte.


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Author Biography

Viviane Magalhães Pereira, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil.

Assistant Professor at the State University of Ceará. She holds a master's degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Ceará and a PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, with a research internship at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. She has experience in the area of ​​Philosophy, with an emphasis on Philosophical Hermeneutics and Ethics. She develops research on the following topics: Hermeneutics as theory and method; Hermeneutics and practical Philosophy; the thought of Hans-Georg Gadamer; Philosophy and Feminism; the origins of contemporary Ethics; Carol Gilligan's Ethics of Care.


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How to Cite

Pereira, V. M. (2024). Gadamer’s neo-Aristotelianism. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 69(1), e45136.



Philosophy & Interdisciplinarity