Vitam destituere
messianic vocation and destituent form-of-life in Homo sacer from Giorgio Agamben
messianism, ontology, destituent power, Roman lawAbstract
The purpose of this text is to propose the syntagm vitam destituere as a paradigmatic concept for the interpretation of Giorgio Agamben’s thought, especially concerning his ontological-messianic-political proposal. In contrast to its antithesis, vitam instituere, the syntagm vitam destituere is formulated here with the intention of exposing what distinguishes Agamben’s thought in contemporary political philosophy discourse, particularly in relation to the critique and profanation of the Roman legacy of the ontology of officium. To achieve this: (i) I present the central points of the Homo sacer tetralogy against which Agamben’s destituent project rebels; (ii) I introduce the foundation of Agamben’s treatment of the concept of vitam instituere in his work based on an affiliation with Yan Thomas; (iii) I propose a comparison between Agamben’s thought and that of Roberto Esposito, the former as a thinker of vitam instituere and the latter of vitam destituere; (iv) I suggest that Spinoza’s thought is essential to understanding the divergence between Agamben and Esposito.
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