Alienation (Entfremdung), subjectivity and human emancipation in Toward the Ontology of Social Being by Lukács
introductory notes
Lukács, Ontology of Social Being, Alienation, Subjectivity, Human EmancipationAbstract
The paper offers initial notes regarding the way in which Lukács approaches the category of alienation in its connection with the categories of labor, objectification, exteriorization, reification, and ideology, in Toward the Ontology of the Social Being. Thus, it touches on issues related to the process of formation of the human personality and its subjectivity or consciousness, attributed consciousness, the elevation of the individual trapped in the generity in-itself to the generity for-itself and chance. It deals with human emancipation and, on this path, makes some critical comments based on the figuration of the world offered by Moishe Postone’s reading of Marx.
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