Unseen beauty

The persistence of the medieval in contemporary aesthetics





visible beauty, unseen beauty, aesthetics, experience, art


The experience of beauty is no less mysterious for the aesthetician today than it was in the Middle Ages. Here I focus on the notion of ‘unseen beauty’ and how certain aspects of medieval philosophizing about the nature of beauty can still be of use for the contemporary aesthetician. I draw a comparison between some concepts that pervade the whole of the Medieval period – that there is a transcendent source of visible beauty, and that visible beauties function as images of the invisible beauty – with a modern conception of aesthetic experience, as it is expressed in authors like Clive Bell.


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Author Biography

Vitor Guerreiro, Universidade do Porto (U.Porto), Porto, Portugal.

PhD in Philosophy from the University of Porto (UP), Portugal; Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto, Portugal. 


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How to Cite

Guerreiro, V. (2022). Unseen beauty: The persistence of the medieval in contemporary aesthetics. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 67(1), e43273. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2022.1.43273



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