Beyond Epistemic Paranoia
Graham Harman and Object-Oriented Social Theory (T. S. O. O.)
Object-Oriented Ontology, Graham Harman, Social Theory, posthumanism, Object-Oriented Social TheoryAbstract
Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) is a contemporary philosophical approach widespread in the academic universe, with several heated debates around the globe, but still quite shy when the subject is the field of Social Theory. The purpose of this essay is to understand this point of intersection, often even tension, taking as a starting point Graham Harman’s ideas and their epistemic-ontological implications. As a result, there exists in our investigative horizon a new theoretical atmosphere, a new way of diving into the field of human and social sciences, what will be called here Object-Oriented Social Theory (O. O. S. T.). What are the implications of an O. O. S. T.? What are its advantages over other existing traditions? This and other questions will be answered throughout these pages, at least as a brief appetizer.
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