Between death and life of action

Meditations on what you can learn from a philosophy of shipwrecked




Philosophy as a task, Metaphysical phenomenon, Maurice Blondel


Maurice Blondel wrote in 1906: “Plato and Spinoza have long said: ‘philosophy is the learning of death’, that is, it is the anticipation of life, life that for us is indivisible knowledge and action” (BLONDEL, 1997, p. 569). Following a dialectical and phenomenological methodology, this work intends an approximation to the meaning of philosophy as “learning of death” or “anticipation of life”, having as a priority orientation the text of Action (1893) and the two articles that compose Le point de départ de la recherche philosophique (1906). A characterization of human life as an action and, consequently, carrying out a task will be explained. In the meantime, the phenomenology of action will be elucidated as the realization of the dialectics of the human will, which must, after a long process, put up the problem “of death or life of action”, which will correspond to the very question of “death or life of intelligence”, or rather, “of life that for us is
indivisible knowledge and action” (BLONDEL, 1997, p. 569).


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Author Biography

Galileu Galilei Medeiros de Souza, Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), Caicó, RN, Brasil

Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), em João Pessoa, Brasil; professor da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), em Caicó, RN, Brasil,


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How to Cite

de Souza, G. G. M. (2020). Between death and life of action: Meditations on what you can learn from a philosophy of shipwrecked. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 65(3), e37333.



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