The role of the notion of representation in the science conception of Heinrich Hertz
Philosophy. Science. Theory. Representation. Mechanics.Abstract
The book Eletric Waves (1893) was the starting point for the philosophical-methodological analysis of scientific theories by H. Hertz and the culmination of this practice was with his posthumous work The Principles of Mechanics (1894). In the introductions to these two books, a meta-scientific theme presents itself as the central nucleus. In these works, Hertz treats of the different representations, images or models (consciously constructed schemes) of the physical phenomena: in the case of the first book, of the electromagnetic phenomena; in the case of the second one, mechanical phenomena. In addition, the question tries to solve is the following: what is the origin of the plurality of images in the scientific theories? Was it inevitable? It is on this type of issues that the present work is fixed in the intention of presenting the role of the notion of representation in the science conception of Heinrich Hertz.
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