The Culture Industry and Its Vicissitudes: between concept and reality




culture industry, domination, subjectivity, reification, critical theory


In this article, I intend to discuss some aspects concerning the different researchers and reflections about the concept of cultural industry that I have studied in recent years. The central question is the thinking of Theodor W. Adorno with special attention to the current situation of his negative dialectics. My argumentation about the current situation of culture industry concept has three steps: the inseparability between rationality and domination as the basis of Adorno’s social theory; some rearrangements in contemporary capitalism and its implications for a culture industry concept in the 21st century and; the placement of culture industry in the context of Brazilian Sociology. The central aim of this article, written as in the essay form, is to emphasize the current situation of Theodor Adorno’s critical theory of society through specific arguments to the field of Sociology.


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How to Cite

Camargo, S. (2018). The Culture Industry and Its Vicissitudes: between concept and reality. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 63(2), 691–710.