Ecocentrism and biocentric ethics: the philosophical affiliation of the rights of nature
Ecocentrism, Biocentrism, Rights of nature, Animal rights.Abstract
this paper central purpose is to study the philosophical affiliation of the denominated rights of the nature. the purpose of this text is to investigate if it is appropriate to affirm that the conception of nature as holder of rights means a real rupture with classic Anthropocentric Ethics and, among the currents of Environmental Ethics, which is aligned with such perspective. Although it is usually said that the rights of nature denote a biocentric position, this article concludes that the philosophical position that really identifies this formulation is that of Ecocentric Ethics, which does not mean, strictly speaking, an overcoming of anthropocentrism. Reference authors are investigated, as well as the constitutional legislation of Ecuador and Bolivia. it is also questioned the reasoning that would justify recognizing rights to nature but not recognizing rights to animals. the methodology adopted uses the analysis of the basic bibliography about the topic, which is basically of foreign origin: European, American and South American. the importance of the theme lies in the philosophical examination of the paradigmatic turn proposed by Environmental Ethics, notably by Animal Ethics. Attributing rights to nature implies in essentially reviewing the criteria traditionally employed by law for the recognition of rights.Downloads
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