Yvonne Picard and the phenomenology between Husserl and Heidegger


  • Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro PUCRS




Yvonne Picard, phenomenology, time, dialectic.


This article aims to present and evaluate the philosopher Yvonne Picard's thinking, based on the only text she has published, Le temps chez Husserl et chez Heidegger. Because she’s a little-known philosopher in Brazil, a brief contextualization of her writing will be made, which is part of a decisive moment for the reception of phenomenology in France in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. After that, we’ll show in different stages how she sought to confront Heidegger's philosophy with Husserl’s trough the phenomenology of time-consciousness. We intend to show at the end how her solution returns to Husserl based on a dialectical perspective.


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How to Cite

de Castro, F. C. L. (2017). Yvonne Picard and the phenomenology between Husserl and Heidegger. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(3), 779–797. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2017.3.28503

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