Romantic presuppositions in Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem
culture, Bildung, romanticism, massification.Abstract
The aim of this article is to bring to light the romantic presuppositions that are to be found in Hannah Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem. In order to do this, I shall explore (besides a brief introduction) in part II the German-romantic conception of “culture” (Bildung); in part III I shall deal with theories by different thinkers from the nineteenth century (such as J. S. Mill, Kierkegaard, Arnold and Nieztsche) concerning the process of “emptying out” (or massification) of human beings under conditions of modernity, which will lead me to part IV, in which Arendt’s subtle reworkings of these various theses will be problematised. My main claim, therefore, is that Eichmann in Jerusalem presupposes, from beginning to end, the romantic category of “culture”.Downloads
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