Schmitt and Machiavelli. From Technique to Conflict


  • Helton Adverse Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Schmitt. Machiavelli. Politics. Conflict. Technique.


The first objective of this paper is to examine the reception of Machiavelli’s thought in the work of Carl Schmitt during the 1920s, with particular attention to the book on the dictatorship and to The concept of the political. We want to highlight the significant change in Schmitt’s interpretation when it is at stake the identification of the specific categories of the political. Then we briefly discuss the reasons for this change of assessment. Finally, we investigate why even when they are closer it still remains between these authors an irreducible externality.


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How to Cite

Adverse, H. (2016). Schmitt and Machiavelli. From Technique to Conflict. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 61(1), 26–49.



Ética Normativa, Metaética e Filosofia Política