Four anthropological concepts on Levinas’ Humanism of the Other


  • Jorge Medina Delgadillo Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla



Levinas, anthropology, justice, humanism


This article explains the thought of Emmanuel Levinas in his work Humanism of the Other around four key issues: identity, relationship, freedom and transcendence. Opposed to the position of Nietzsche and other modern philosophers about each of these issues, Levinas present a paradoxical solution to these four major anthropological keys that serve as the basis for developing a theory of justice: identity will be understood as vulnerability; the relationship as heteronomy; freedom as diakonia and Work; ethics as the fundamental religious experience.


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Author Biography

Jorge Medina Delgadillo, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Departamento de Filosofía, Director


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How to Cite

Delgadillo, J. M. (2017). Four anthropological concepts on Levinas’ Humanism of the Other. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(1), 4–16.



Teorias da justiça