Theology, philosophy, and science


  • Rogério Miranda de Almeida PUCPR



Theology. Philosophy. Faith. Reason. Science.


The main purpose of this essay is to show the vicissitudes and ambiguities that characterized the relations between faith and reason, faith and science, throughout the Christian tradition. As a matter of fact, three major tendencies underlie this relation: a tendency that points out to an identification or equivalence between these two spheres of knowledge; another one which, on the contrary, considers
them as entirely antagonistic; finally, a third tendency that claims complementary dynamic, or a mutual help, between them. A particular factor that acuminated and intensified these relations occurred from the 12th century onward, when theology reached the status of science and, above all, throughout the 13th century, as the universities were founded and the entrance of Aristotle into Latin Scholasticism was completed.


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Author Biography

Rogério Miranda de Almeida, PUCPR

Prof. no programa de pós-graduação de filosofia da PUCPR, câmpus Curitiba.


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How to Cite

Almeida, R. M. de. (2016). Theology, philosophy, and science. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 59(3), 450–468.