Refuge of freedom: about the concept of philosophy in Theodor Adorno


  • Rosalvo Schütz UNIOESTE



Thought. Negative dialectic. Primacy of the object. Critics.


The philosophical conception formulated by Adorno was mainly driven forward by his critical reaction to systems with totalitarian pretensions, such as Nazism, Stalinism and the product manufacturing society. The philosophy represents a refuge for freedom facing these structures: it gives voice to the non-identical. The ability to subvert the conceptual and social order is implicit in the thought itself, which is expressed as constellations to come. The dialectic approach with materialism, as the primacy of the object, strengthens the philosophy in its critical potential, in its proximity to reality and freedom. The result is a renewed philosophy, both open and committed to the truth. The purpose of this paper is to show the interdependence of these concepts and point to the relevance of the philosophical concept that emerges from them.


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Author Biography

Rosalvo Schütz, UNIOESTE

Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de Kassel/Alemanha; Professor de Filosofia na Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná; Bolsista de produtividade do CNPq.



How to Cite

Schütz, R. (2012). Refuge of freedom: about the concept of philosophy in Theodor Adorno. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 57(3), 32–52.



Dialectics and Critical Theory