Everything is about the story





Scenario design, simulation, realism, storytelling, course design, simulation experience


Everything in life is about the story, from our every day, our holidays and trips, to going to the theater or the movies. Everything is about the story and attending a simulation-based course is not the exception. From designing and living, a scenario all the way to debriefing and to the whole course experience at the end the participant will take away the story, will remember the story and will share the story. This story has to be designed to the details, has to be told through languages and has an objective centered on the learner. In this reflection, I discuss with the reader my opinion regarding the relevance of creating a memorable story because at the end it is all about the story.


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Rubio Martinez, ABC Medical Center (HABC), Mexico City, FD

Past President of the Latin American Federation of Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety, surgeon from the Anahuac University, anesthesiologist graduated from the ABC Hospital, UNAM. Fellow in clinical simulation from the University of Western, Ontario. Anesthesia coordinator at the ABC Hospital Simulation Center.


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How to Cite

Rubio Martinez, R. (2020). Everything is about the story. Scientia Medica, 30(1), e36441. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-6108.2020.1.36441



Education in Health Sciences