Severity of neurological deficit and incidence of nosocomial infections in elderly patients with acute stroke


  • Lucieni Oliveira Conterno Marilia Medical School
  • Rodrigo Wanderley Neves Barbosa Marilia Medical School
  • Caroline Martins Rego Faculdade de Medicina de Marília
  • Carlos Rodrigues da Silva Filho FAMEMA



stroke, cross infection, epidemiology, mortality, elderly.


Aims: To evaluate the association between severity of neurological deficit/degree of functional disability and incidence of nosocomial infections, length of hospital stay, and mortality, in elderly patients with acute stroke.

Methods: A prospective cohort study evaluated elderly patients with acute stroke, hospitalized at the Hospital of the Marilia Medical School, in Marilia, SP, Brazil. Inclusion criteria were patients aged 60 years or more and diagnosed with acute stroke. Patients were stratified according to the severity of the stroke by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and the degree of dependence by the modified Rankin scale. All patients were followed from the time of admission to discharge or death.

Results: We studied 113 patients with a mean age of 70.8 years, 63 (55.7%) men. The main underlying diseases were hypertension (77.9%) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (30.1%). Seventy-eight (69%) patients were affected for the first time and 86 (76.1%) had ischemic stroke. Nosocomial infection occurred in 24 patients (21.2%) and pneumonia was the most frequent (13.5%). The average length of hospital stay among patients with nosocomial infection was higher when compared to those without nosocomial infection (16.2±16.2 days and 33.2±22.9 days, p<0.001). There was association between score 16-42 points on the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale and the occurrence of nosocomial infection (risk ratio 4.4; 95% confidence interval 1.8 to 11.0). In-hospital mortality was 15.9%, higher among patients considered severe at admission compared to those with moderate to mild severity by the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (34.6% and 1.6% respectively, p<0.001) and also among those who developed nosocomial infection when compared to those without this complication (37.5% and 10.1% respectively, p=0.003).

Conclusions: Nosocomial infections were major complications among elderly patients with acute stroke and were associated with severity of neurological deficit, higher degree of dependence, longer hospital stay and higher mortality rate.


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Author Biographies

Lucieni Oliveira Conterno, Marilia Medical School

Infectious Diseases

Rodrigo Wanderley Neves Barbosa, Marilia Medical School

Médico infectologista, com Mestrado em Envelhecimento e Saúde pela Faculdade de Medicina de Marilia


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How to Cite

Conterno, L. O., Barbosa, R. W. N., Rego, C. M., & da Silva Filho, C. R. (2016). Severity of neurological deficit and incidence of nosocomial infections in elderly patients with acute stroke. Scientia Medica, 26(4), ID25168.



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