Prevalence and susceptibility profile of bacteria isolated from urine of pregnant women seen at the department of obstetrics of a tertiary hospital
urinary tract infections, urine culture, pregnancy, microbial sensitivity tests.Abstract
Aims: To evaluate the prevalence of bacteria in urine cultures of pregnant women seen at the outpatient clinic of the Department of Obstetrics at the University Hospital of Santa Maria, Brazil, and to determine the antibiotic sensitivity profile of these bacteria.
Methods: The reports issued by the Laboratory of Clinical Analysis of the University Hospital of Santa Maria were retrospectively analyzed. All positive urine cultures of pregnant women seen at the Department of Obstetrics from January to December 2014 were included in the study. The tests for the identification of bacterial isolates and their sensitivity profiles were assessed by an automated system.
Results: A total of 423 positive urine cultures were detected in the pregnant women. Gram-negative Escherichia coli was the most prevalent microorganism (46.50%). Gram-positive Staphylococcus saprophyticus was the second most prevalent bacterium (6.2%). Candida spp. was isolated from 94 (21.8%) urine samples. Nitrofurantoin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid showed the lowest antimicrobial resistance against E. coli (91.33% and 90.77%, respectively). Ampicillin had the highest sensitivity among prevalent Gram-positive bacteria.
Conclusions: The sensitivity profile found in this study allows us to suggest nitrofurantoin and/or amoxicillin/clavulanic acid for the treatment of urinary tract infection caused by Gram-negative bacteria during pregnancy. Given the prevalence rates detected in this study, these antimicrobials can be initiated empirically before the urine culture results are known, in the cases of symptomatic urinary tract infection. This study underscores the importance of urine culture in the prenatal period and in the third trimester because of the different microorganisms identified and the different sensitivity to the antimicrobials tested.
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