Iron and neurodegeneration <b>[Abstract in English]</b>


  • Liana Lisboa Fernandez FFFCMPA e PUCRS
  • Luis Henrique Tieppo Fornari FFFCMPA
  • Malu Viter Barbosa FFCMPA
  • Nadja Schroder PUCRS


ferro, neurodegeneração, estresse oxidativo, Demência de Alzheimer, Doença de Parkinson


Aims: Increasing evidence has indicated that iron plays an important role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. The aim of this article is to review aspects related to iron absortion, transport and storage in the human body. Additionally, the role of iron in oxidative stress in the central nervous system, and its implications to prevalent neurodegenerative disorders, with special reference to Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s disease are discussed. Data source: A systematic review of all published English literature was conducted on Medline, Ovid, and Scopus, from January 2000 through September 2007. Textbooks were used as well. Studies focusing mainly on pharmacological therapies and metal-related genetic mutations were not included. Summary of the findings: This article review the iron metabolism like absorption, transport and storage, and its influence in oxidative stress and in the most important neurodegenerative disorders, Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson disease. Conclusions: The reviewed literature strongly suggests that iron-induced oxidative stress is a central pathway in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. These data warrant further investigation in order to clarify whether disruption in iron homeostasis plays a causative role or is a consequence of the neurodegenerative process. KEYWORDS: IRON/metabolism; NERVE DEGENERATION; OXIDATIVE STRESS; ALZHEIMER DISEASE; PARKINSON DISEASE.


Author Biographies

Liana Lisboa Fernandez, FFFCMPA e PUCRS

Médica FFFCMPA Neurologista FFFCMPA Mestre Gerontologia Biomédica PUCRS Doutoranda Biologia Molecular e Celular PUCRS Professora Departamento Ciências Morfológicas FFFCMPA Coordenadora Ambulatório de Demência da ISCMPA Departamento Neurologia FFFCMPA

Luis Henrique Tieppo Fornari, FFFCMPA

Graduando medicina FFFCMPA

Malu Viter Barbosa, FFCMPA

Graduando em medicina

Nadja Schroder, PUCRS

PhD, professora e orientadora Pós-Graduação Biologia Molecular e Celular PUCRS



How to Cite

Fernandez, L. L., Fornari, L. H. T., Barbosa, M. V., & Schroder, N. (2007). Iron and neurodegeneration <b>[Abstract in English]</b>. Scientia Medica, 17(4), 225–228. Retrieved from



Review Articles