A training course: from the common discourse to the university discourse


  • Claudia Rosa Riolfi USP
  • Mariana Aparecida de Oliveira Ribeiro USP


Writing, discourse, university formation, psychoanalysis.


The transformations in the ways a researcher being formed registers his effort to apprehend in writing his object of study is our object of research. Therefore, we have compared how the same person wrote the data analysis section in her scientific initiation report and how it was done in the doctoral thesis. We presuppose that, in order to be successful in her formation, the researcher needs to learn how to write in the models of the text adopted by the discursive community where he is being formed and, besides, needs to learn how to localize and transmit its impasses in the texts he writes. In order to show how this passage happens, we have recurred to the concept of discourse as a social link created by Jacques Lacan. We have concluded that, after being caught by the functioning of the university discourse, the informer of our research has utilized the necessary means to learn how to write a text which is socially validated in her interpretative community.


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Author Biographies

Claudia Rosa Riolfi, USP

Psicanalista, professora das disciplinas ligadas à metodologia de ensino da língua portuguesa na FE-USP. Co-coordenadora do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Produção Escrita e Psicanálise (GEPPEP).

Mariana Aparecida de Oliveira Ribeiro, USP

Formada em Letras, mestranda em Educação, na linha de pesquisa: Linguagem e Educação, da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Bolsista Fapesp 2008-2010. Membro do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Produção Escrita e Psicanálise (GEPPEP).



How to Cite

Riolfi, C. R., & Ribeiro, M. A. de O. (2010). A training course: from the common discourse to the university discourse. Psico, 41(4). Retrieved from https://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/revistapsico/article/view/6354