The helplessness of motherhood in a context of social vulnerability




motherhood, vulnerability, observation methods, psychoanalysis


Some mothers, even when joined by a partner, end up playing multiple
roles alone, taking care of the household chores, their work lives and, precariously, of themselves. In order to discuss motherhood in a context of vulnerability
and its implications in the establishing of the relationship between a mother and
her children, based on a specific case, an psychoanalytic observational method
inspired by the Bick Method of Observation was employed, being a qualitative
research. The observations were carried out considering three tempos: weekly
observation, on the same day and time; observation report, in an involved and
descriptive way; and supervision seminar, to discuss the observations. It was
made evident the helplessness experienced by this woman-mother, who, despite
the presence of her husband and family, did not receive the necessary support.
Her exhaustion, stemming from this helplessness, resulted in a loss of emotional
control over her children. The value of the Bick Observation Method is highlighted,
as it enables a sensitive outlook towards motherhood.


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Author Biographies

Maiquélen Silva, Feevale University

Graduated in Psychology at Feevale University, in Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brazil.

Amanda Wecker, Universidade Feevale

Master in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion by Feevale University; Graduated in Psychology from Feevale University, in Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brazil.

Lisiane Machado de Oliveira-Menegotto., Universidade Feevale

Psychologist, Master and PhD in Developmental Psychology (UFRGS). teacherof the PPG in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion, of the Master degree in Psychology and of the Psychology Course at Feevale University.

Carmen Esther Rieth, Universidade Feevale

Master in Collective Health from the Lutheran University do Brasil (ULBRA), in Canoas, RS, Brazil. Teacher
from Feevale University, Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Silva, M., Wecker, A., Machado de Oliveira-Menegotto., L., & Rieth, C. E. (2023). The helplessness of motherhood in a context of social vulnerability. Psico, 54(1), e37872.

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