The coexistence of juvenile offenders with the technical team of a treatment facility
Interpersonal relationship, Juvenile delinquency, Adolescent, institucionalized, Developmental psychology.Abstract
This paper aims to characterize the coexistence of juvenile offenders with the technical team of a treatment facility, from the juvenile offenders’ perspective. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten juvenile offenders, between 16 and 18 years old, at a treatment facility in Porto Alegre. A field diary was also filled after fieldwork. Data were treated based on thematic analysis and grounded on Bioecological Theory of Human Development. Precariousness of infrastructure, insufficient number of technical team members, and pressure from judiciary were identified as contextual elements that negatively interfered with proximal processes between juvenile offenders and the technical team. Nevertheless, signs of reciprocity and learning were observed, which indicated the establishment of proximal processes. Investments in human and material resources and the regulation of judicial demands may favor the development of proximal processes between juvenile offenders and the technical team.
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