Emotional socialization goals: a research with mothers residing in rural areas


  • Bianca Reis Fonseca Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Lília Iêda Chaves Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Deise Maria Leal Fernandes Mendes Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro




Socialization goals, Child's emotional development, Mothers.


This study investigated the emotional socialization goals in 40 mothers of children with 1 to 35 months aged, resident in a county of Pará State. The following instruments were used to data collect: Participants Identification Form (FIP), Sociodemographic Data Form (FDSD) and Emotional Socialization Goals Questionnaire (QMSE). A categorical thematic analysis was implemented, as
support to the questionnaire data. The frequencies of responses for each category and the sociodemographic data, were analyzed through a descriptive method. It was verified that the majority of mothers mentioned goals related to automaximization (47.7%) and emotivity (19.3%). Moreover, the majority emphasized their concern to play an active role in children's emotional development (44.7%), directly contributing to the child's acquisition of desired emotional characteristics from daily advices and examples (69.7%). These results suggest that mothers of rural environment remain with their children for a long period of their daily routine. Therefore, these mothers tend to transmit certain emotions (e.g.happiness, kindness and affection to others) more intensely, besides helping in comprehension of emotional and socialization goals. For this reason, new investigations might be necessary, in order to capture permanences and changes of such behaviors.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, B. R., Cavalcante, L. I. C., & Mendes, D. M. L. F. (2017). Emotional socialization goals: a research with mothers residing in rural areas. Psico, 48(3), 174–185. https://doi.org/10.15448//1980-8623.2017.3.25444




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