Internalizing behavior problems and associations with social skills, educative practices, familiar resources and maternal depression


  • Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva
  • Sonia Regina Loureiro
  • Edna Maria Marturano



Childhood depression, Childhood anxiety, Educational practices, Environmental resources, Social skills, Depression.


Internalizing behaviors are under-identified and scarcely studied in association with more than one variable simultaneously. The objectives are to compare and correlate indicators of parental practices, family resources, child behavior, and maternal depression, in children with or without internalizing problems, differentiated by gender and schooling. Participants were 32 mothers of children with internalizing problems and 32 mothers of children without problems, which were matched for gender and schooling. Validated instruments were used to measure variables of interest. Data were compared and correlated. The results are: (a) negative practices were more frequent in the problems group and social skills, in the group without problems; (b) negative practices correlated to complaints about problems and positive practices correlated to child social skills and environmental resources; (c) higher maternal depression was associated with less social skills; (d) school-aged children are more anxious than pre-schoolers. Implications of these results for understanding internalizing behaviors are discussed.


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How to Cite

Bolsoni-Silva, A. T., Loureiro, S. R., & Marturano, E. M. (2016). Internalizing behavior problems and associations with social skills, educative practices, familiar resources and maternal depression. Psico, 47(2), 111–120.




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