Validity Evidences of the Work Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in Brazilian Samples


  • Vladimir Novaes Pinto Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
  • Maria Cristina Ferreira Universidade Salgado de Oliveira
  • Felipe Valentini Universidade Salgado de Oliveira



Psychometrics, Mental Health, Work, Personality Traits.


The psychological flexibility at work is related to the ability of the individuals to take work goal directed actions, even in the presence of difficult internal experiences. The study aimed to adapt and gather evidences of validity of the Scale of Psychological Flexibility at Work (WAAQ) in the Brazilian context. The sample consisted of 583 employees, of both sexes, aged 18-62 years. Confirmatory factor analyzes showed that the Brazilian version of the scale reproduced fully the original structure of the instrument. The scale has also presented positive correlations with job engagement, mental health, openness to experience and life satisfaction, as well as a negative correlation with neuroticism. It was concluded that the WAAQ showed adequate psychometric properties and can therefore be used in the future research of flexibility at the workplace.


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How to Cite

Pinto, V. N., Ferreira, M. C., & Valentini, F. (2015). Validity Evidences of the Work Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in Brazilian Samples. Psico, 46(3), 362–373.




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