Evaluation of prescription understanding by elderly attended by Unified Health System, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
aged, medication adherence, Unified Health System.Abstract
Aims: This article aimed to evaluate the use of drugs and to correlate the understanding of the prescription with the elderly lipid profile and blood
pressure. Methods: It was an observational, cross-sectional, quantitative study, which evaluated 97 records of the elderly outpatient from Single Health
System of the Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology (IGG) and the University Extension Center (UEC) Villa Fatima, Porto Alegre/RS from 2008 to 2009.
Results: The results revealed that the lack of understanding might be related to the progression of age of the population. The prescription understanding of
the patients attending the IGG was higher when compared to the elderly who attended the UEC (p<0.05). The parameters of blood pressure and dyslipidemia
are not directly correlated to the understanding of the prescription. Conclusions: Thus, it is necessary to work towardsfollowing of pharmacotherapy
from elderly patients to improve therapy adhesion in this population.
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