Association between quality of life and activities developed by older adults from the Rio Grande do Sul state
quality of life, human activities, aging, comorbidity.Abstract
Aim: To verify the association between older adults’ health-related quality of life and the performance of different activities, adjusting the results for sociodemographic variables and health indicators.
Method: Secondary analysis of the "Older Adults’ Profile in the RS state" database, a descriptive, cross-sectional, home-based study with 7315 community-dwelling older adults from the Rio Grande do Sul State. The older adults’ quality of life, in the physical and mental domains, was assessed by the SF-12 questionnaire, and the associated variables, including activities and health indicators were selfreported measures. T Student test, ANOVA or simple linear regression, depending on the type of variable, were used for simple statistical analysis, followed by adjusted multiple analysis.
Results: Participated in the study 6052 older adults, 51.4% women,mainly in the 60-69 age group. Most of the variables studied showed a significant association with quality of life, in both domains, in the simple analysis. However, in the adjusted model, only the variables years of study, number of morbidities and performance of domestic and autonomous activities remained statistically significant in the physical and mental domains of quality of life.
Conclusion: The development of activities is important for the older adults’ quality of life and, therefore, the society should have more stimulating and inclusive activities for this population group, taking into account accessibility and diversity, including elderly older adults from different age groups, educational status, habits and values.
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