Dworkin and Posner on the existence of right answers to legal questions: the reconstruction of a debate


  • Ana Carolina da Costa e Fonseca UFCSPA/FMP




Ronald Dworkin. Richard Posner. Right answers. Legal questions.


Dworkin responded in the affirmative to the title question of his text “Is there really no right answer in hard cases?”. Posner criticized Dworkin and answered the same question in the negative. This article discusses the different ways in which each philosopher understood the question, and how they lead to different answers to it; that is, in what way differences in the conception of Law entail differences in the existence of correct answers to legal questions.


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Author Biography

Ana Carolina da Costa e Fonseca, UFCSPA/FMP

Professora de Filosofia na Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) e de Filosofia do Direito na Faculdade do Ministério Público (FMP). Bacharela, Mestra e Doutora em Filosofia (UFRGS), Bacharela em Direito (UFRGS).



How to Cite

Fonseca, A. C. da C. e. (2011). Dworkin and Posner on the existence of right answers to legal questions: the reconstruction of a debate. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 56(3). https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2011.3.9748