The concept of freedom in Hegel’s ​ Logic




Hegel, freedom, dialectic, logic


Although it is fully developed in ​ Philosophy of the Spirit, more precisely in the ​ Philosophy of Right, the concept of freedom is rooted in the ​ Science of Logic, namely, in the very core of the Hegelian system. And it could be no different, since Logic finds its high point in the Doctrine of Concept and Concept is conceived as the “realm of subjectivity or of freedom” (GW, v.11, p.409). Disagreeing with the contemporary attempts at thematizing the concept of freedom disconnected from Hegel’s metaphysics, as in Honneth (2001, p.12,; 2013, p.17), or in Pippin (2008), the resent article seeks to examine the meaning taken on in the heart of the Hegelian system, to evaluate its potentials and its limits.


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How to Cite

Luft, E. (2020). The concept of freedom in Hegel’s ​ Logic. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 65(3), e38541.




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