Richer de Reims and his Stories: narrative construction – aesthetics as a rhetorical instrument (10th century)




Richer of Reims. Medieval aesthetics. Medieval rethoric. Four books of History.


This article aims to discuss how Richer de Reims (941-998), benedictine monk of the 10th century, composed a historical account based on the narrative construction totally linked to the aesthetic apparatus as a rhetorical instrument. From his classic formation, organized by Abbot Gerbert of Aurillac (future Pope
Silvestre II), Richer builds a text of Histories (The four books of History) that composes a narrative based on a particular aesthetic formula, which is “rewritten”, or “creation” the dialogues of the various characters that appear in the story; with this, he makes the supposed “voices” of his characters help him in the legitimation, political or intellectual, of those for whom he shows his preference.


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Author Biography

Rafael Bassi, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS

Graduado em História (UFPR); especialista em História Cultural (UTP) e Filosofia Contemporânea (IMED); mestre em História (UFRGS) e mestrando em Letras (PUCRS); doutor em História (UNICAMP).


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How to Cite

Bassi, R. (2020). Richer de Reims and his Stories: narrative construction – aesthetics as a rhetorical instrument (10th century). Veritas (Porto Alegre), 65(2), e37919.


