Manifestation and Freedom in Hegel


  • Christian Klotz Faculdade de Filosofia da UFG



Freedom, Manifestation, Essence, Concept.


This article aims to elucidate Hegel’s concept of freedom by putting it in the context of the late Fichte’s and Schelling’s thinking, whose characteristic is the idea that human freedom is tobe understood as an implication of the manifestation of the absolute. It is the central claim of the article that in the passage from the Doctrine of Essence to the Doctrine of Concept, which is decisive for Hegel’s Logic as a whole, the connection between manifestation and freedom – which is already present in Fichte and Schelling – is reinterpreted in such a way that the exercise of freedom and self-manifestation are conceptually identified. This result makes it possible to understand the structure of Hegel’s philosophy of right from its logical basis and, at the same time, to critically evaluate present pragmatist readings of Hegel’s “expressivist” conception of freedom.


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Author Biography

Christian Klotz, Faculdade de Filosofia da UFG

Professor doutor da Faculdade de Filosofia da UFG. Área: Kant e Idealismo Alemão


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How to Cite

Klotz, C. (2017). Manifestation and Freedom in Hegel. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(1), 116–129.



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