Notes about friendship, life in retreat, and the fullness, found in Rousseau’s philosophy


  • Arlei de Espindola Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Man, Freedom, Life in retreat, Friendship, Fullness.


I intend hereby to make an encounter between "Letters to Malesherbes" and "My picture", two small Rousseau's texts which are included in the list of his epistolary, confessional and autobiographical works. I aim at using some of the philosopher's considerations about friendship, self-knowledge, and the completeness of human existence, found in solitary life and in exile. I comprehend that the Rousseau’s writings, in general, tend to shed some light on others and that his thought remains a unique unit. Therefore reading these two short works becomes an important task, which is reinforced by the fact that they, although it can be doubted, possess great value in philosophical terms, making the defense of freedom, transparency, honesty, authenticity, and the meeting among men, which eventually rebels itself against either moral or political corruption in social life.


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Author Biography

Arlei de Espindola, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Universidade Estadual de Londrina/PR Departamento de Filosofia Área de Atuação: Ética e Filosofia Política


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How to Cite

Espindola, A. de. (2017). Notes about friendship, life in retreat, and the fullness, found in Rousseau’s philosophy. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 62(1), 257–273.



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