Tuberculosis presenting as erythema nodosun in child: case report and review of literature <b>[Abstract in English]</b>


  • Tiago Neves Veras Hospital Infantila Jeser Amarante Faria (HIJAF) Joinville - SC
  • Jonas Dalacorte Hospital Infantil Jeser Amarante Faria Joinville - SC
  • Simone Muller Hospital Infantil Jeser Amarante Faria Joinville - SC
  • Alfredo Nicodemos Cruz Santana Hospital Regional Público do Araguaia/IDESMA Pará


eritema nodoso, tuberculose, criança


Aims: Erythema nodosum is a rare dermatologic condition in children, especially when associated with tuberculosis. There are only three cases described in brazilian pediatric population. This case describes a child with signs of initial erythema nodosum and concomitant diagnosis of tuberculosis. Case description: A male child, eight years-old, was hospitalized to treat erythematous nodules in both legs, with a first hypothesis of cellulitis. Laboratory and radiologic exams were normal. The child had close contact with an adult with recent tuberculosis diagnosis. Tuberculin test was positive. The patient received adequate triple antituberculosis therapy and had significant improvement. Conclusions: Despite of its low frequency, the association between erythema nodosum and tuberculosis must be considered through a detailed anamnesis and physical examination. It is necessary to investigate other conditions associated with this dermatologic manifestation, since different etiologies have specific approaches. Further studies are required to better understand this illness and the treatment of this condition in childhood.


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Author Biographies

Tiago Neves Veras, Hospital Infantila Jeser Amarante Faria (HIJAF) Joinville - SC

Mestrando Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Médico Pneumologista Pediátrico do Hospital Infantil Jeser Amarante Faria

Jonas Dalacorte, Hospital Infantil Jeser Amarante Faria Joinville - SC

Médico Cirurgião Pediátrico

Simone Muller, Hospital Infantil Jeser Amarante Faria Joinville - SC

Médica Dermatologista Pedíátrica

Alfredo Nicodemos Cruz Santana, Hospital Regional Público do Araguaia/IDESMA Pará

Doutor em Pneumologia pela USP (FMUSP)



How to Cite

Veras, T. N., Dalacorte, J., Muller, S., & Cruz Santana, A. N. (2009). Tuberculosis presenting as erythema nodosun in child: case report and review of literature <b>[Abstract in English]</b>. Scientia Medica, 19(2), 81–85. Retrieved from



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