Physical activity and quality of life in persons with visual impairment: an observational study




Exercise, blindness, disabled persons, quality of life.


AIMS: Little evidence demonstrates the influence of physical activity habits on the quality of life of people with visual impairment (VI). To gain a broader understanding, this study attempted to verify the relation between the habits of physical activity and quality of life in people with VI.
METHODS: The sample consisted of 53 visually impaired volunteers. The Clinical and Sociodemographic Assessment Sheet, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short version and the Quality of Life Assessment Instrument (WHOQOL-Bref) were used.
RESULTS: The mean age was 42.39±2.10 years, with a predominance of males and the mean Body Mass Index was 27.55±0.76. Predominant physical activity levels were between moderate to high. Males presented significantly higher levels of vigorous physical activity (p=0.033) and higher scores in WHOQOL-Bref, when compared to the female sex.
CONCLUSION: The higher the physical activity levels of this population with VI, the better the quality of life. The participants had a predominance of moderate to high physical activity, as well as, the male presented higher levels of physical activity, when compared with the female in vigorous activities.


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How to Cite

Soares, N. M., Pereira, G. M., Soares, L. E. B., Soares, N. M., Júnior, C. C., & Oliveira, E. de L. M. (2019). Physical activity and quality of life in persons with visual impairment: an observational study. Scientia Medica, 29(3), e33838.



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